Chapter One of White Canvas Arrives!

Last Saturday, Penang was witness to the first chapter of the White Canvas Music in Art expose of local arts at Talk Talk Wine Bar. White Canvas is an event designed to showcase the talents of local artists. The venue of choice being Talk Talk wine bar, it’s been a while since the fun people […]

Interview With Singer-Songwriter, Daniel C

We got the chance to get chart topping singer-songwriter Daniel C in the studio for an un-stripped & honest interview to learn about how he became a singer-songwriter, his creative process and how he got signed by Tonium UK. Watch his interview or if you prefer, read the interview instead below.   Tell us about how you got […]

May The Month For Recording

Its May! Near the mid year when flowers start to blossom and we celebrate mother’s day. Flowers and mothers aside, it’s also the month where you should reflect back on what you accomplished the past 5 months and renew your goals. Should you start working on your recordings this month? If you have been procrastinating […]

Mini Meetup @ Shhh Listen! Acoustic Showcase

We’re gathering up to support one of our members, Fong Shelhiel who will be performing in a Showcase alongside other musicians in the Shh Listen! event. It’s been sometime since we have met and run workshops, so to kick off a series of scheduled meetups and workshop, I’m holding a mini meetup itself during the […]