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5 Must Have Business Tools for Session Musicians

Being a session musician is hard work. It isn’t just about musically performing at your best during recording sessions. If you’re new to being a sessionist, you’ll eventually find that being a successful sessionist involves lots of other skills too. Think about accounting, churning out estimates & invoices. Managing and following up clients. Keeping track […]

How Do Audio Effects Shape the Sound You Create?

Audio effects are to producers what melodies and chord progressions are to composers. Audio effects are widely used in various tracks, but beginners may not understand the real role, effects play in shaping the overall track. While sound signals or samples can create a basic track, it’s the audio effects that act as the salt […]

5 Killer Tips for Recording Drums on a Budget

These days the internet is awash with musicians showcasing their music online. YouTube hosts thousands of hours of new footage each day of budding musicians displaying their talents. For some, all you need is a laptop, but the story doesn’t end there. While it may be easy for a guitarist, singer or even in some […]

The 11 Best Vocal Microphones For Your Home Studio

The number of options for microphones that are available on the market these days are just endless. You may be in a rut trying to invest in one or even planning on expanding your microphone collection. The good news is that there is no one best microphone for everything. Every microphone has its own character, […]

5 Studio Monitor Speaker Placements You Should Know

If there is one thing that you need to be able to do, as a music producer, that would be to monitor accurately. Being able to monitor recordings and mixes accurately will determine the quality of your music. No matter how expensive your studio monitors, mixers or pre-amps are, it all doesn’t matter if your […]


10 Insane Songwriting Methods To Overcome The Writer’s Block

Writer’s block visits all writers at some point. You’ll be surprised to find many genius songwriters also struggling with it. But of course, nobody talks about them on the media. You know the feeling. Sometimes, creativity just dries up. You sit down in front your music workstation, stare into your blank DAW arrangement window and […]