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14 Best MIDI Controllers in Early 2016

Grown out of your old MIDI controller and looking to get a new MIDI controller to start the year? We’ve seen some great new MIDI controllers in the recent NAMM show, so here’s a list of recommended MIDI controllers which we think is the best to go for this year. We’ll tell you why they […]

The Concise Guide to Setting Up Your Home Recording Studio

Whether you’re a seasoned musician who never thought the day would come, or a new sound engineer who’s been drawn to the scene by its recent accessibility – home recording studios are finally here. With a little time and money, you can turn almost any room of your house into a professional recording studio. Gone […]

8 New Year Resolutions Towards Being A Better Producer

New year, new you? Okay, we’re tired about such posts on Facebook and Instagram. Let’s talk about some real resolutions you can make as a music producer who’s hustling in the very crazy music industry. The problem with many resolutions is they are set too far beyond reach that people eventually give up on them. […]

MIDI Quantization Explained – Audio Mentor

What is quantization? You can find the quantizing option in most DAWs like Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic X, etc. Imagine you record a MIDI drum pattern into your DAW. Because we’re humans, you’ll probably have some timing mistakes while hammering down on your MIDI controller. This is where quantization comes to save your recording. With […]

The Guitarist’s Christmas Wishlist 2015

With Christmas just around the corner, many of you will be out to hopefully be able to grab great music deals. Today’s post is aimed towards the recording guitarist or if you’re someone looking to pick up the guitar. Here are some Christmas shopping recommendations for the aspiring guitarist who is looking to make a […]

4 Reasons to Use Single Pedals

1.Freedom of Choice. With single pedals you are free to mix and match any combination of pedals you want by any manufacturer in the world. This is a huge plus point as there are often many similar types of pedals available from different manufactures. Take the overdrive pedal for example. To this day guitarists all […]

5 Tips on What To Do In a Music Shop

1. Take Your Time. Take your time. Take all the time you need. You are investing your limited financial resources into a piece of equipment which will eventually pay for itself and even help you profit if you’re a working musician. Never let scare tactics like “This is the last model!” or “I’ll only offer […]

Review: Frei:raum by Sonible

I’ve always wondered if people still need to make 3rd party EQ plugins, when there are already great EQ plugins built into most standard DAWs. When the makers of frei:raum EQ asked if I would like to review their latest EQ plugin, I thought alright, but what was I going to say? An EQ is an EQ right? […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Get a Multi Effects Pedal

Multi effects pedals today come in all shapes and sizes for almost any price range. Today we’re going to take a look a 4 reasons why you should and shouldn’t get one! 1.Value For Money There’s no denying it. Especially for beginners, multi effects give lots of bang for the buck. For around 100-200USD you […]