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Music Arranger? Learn These 4 Basic Rhythms

To be a great music arranger, you need to be extremely versatile. It’s important to know and understand various types of music genres and then be able to arrange musicq quickly at given notice. I believe that you need master the fundamentals of various music genres to be a great music arranger. I’m by no […]

6 Tips For Buying Electric Guitars

1. Understand how amplifiers and effects can influence how you sound. The truth is that unlike acoustic guitars, the guitar isn’t all there is to it. Among the things that contribute to how you sound playing the electric guitar besides the guitar itself and you playing it  include the amplifier, the effects you’re using as […]

Produce More Music With These 3 Scientifically Proven Tactics

Your projects and recording tasks are pilling up. The producer calls you every hour to check on the progress of your music composition. It’s beginning to feel like stress isn’t it? First of all, producing music takes time and effort, lots of them. It requires lots of referencing and inspiration. If you ever worked on […]

5 Budget Electric Guitar Amplifiers

Some of us may play like rockstars and some of us only act like them, however most of us do not earn anywhere as much as them. So I’ve compiled a list of bang for the buck guitar amplifiers for everyone from the seasoned pro looking for a new toy or the newbie on a […]

Getting Started : How To Tune A Guitar

We’re going to start of with tuning your guitar in Standard Tuning which is probably what you’re used to. First off you’re going to need to know the keys of each string, they are as shown below. E———————Thickest string A——————— D——————— G——————— B——————— E———————Thinnest string Committing this to your memory is essential as you might […]

5 Must Have Electric Guitar Effect Pedals

As a guitarists we often find ourselves spending our money on tonnes and tonnes of gear. One of the things we spend our money on the most is pedals. So here’s a short list of must have pedals for my fellow guitarists out there. Disclaimer : The importance of the pedals on this list are […]

35 Mixing Tips To Improve Your Production

Producers never seem to have enough tips when it comes to mixing music. There are so many ways to mix and yet there are so many types of music genres that demands different types of mixing techniques. So we went out and asked a few of our friends, who were industry mixing engineers and music […]