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Samson sr850 audio mentor

Review: Samson SR850 – On A Low Budget?

A review on the Samson SR850 studio headphones, a clone of the Superlux HD668B . Priced at only $42 (at time of writing) will the Samson SR850 be able to save your mixes in the studio? First off, I want to admit that I’m a producer who doesn’t like using headphones. I understand the benefits […]

Getting Started : Supporting Your Local Music Scene

I’ve been neglected the Getting Started series for a while but now I’m back! A lot of times here in Malaysia I’ve been asked about our local scene. “How is the local scene here?” “Are local musicians any good?” “Hmm..I haven’t heard of them” “Why don’t we just hire Filipinos and be done with it?” No offence […]

10 Music Trends of 2015 That Would Freak Marty McFly Out

On this day (October 21, 2015) in “Back to the Future 2,” Mr. Marty McFly arrives to the future. We all know that young Marty is a rock ‘n’ rollin’ man, a guitarist, and a fan of the likes of Chuck Berry and Eddie Van Halen. So if he arrived to 2015, what would his […]

Today In Music : October 19th — True Colors Hits #1

Welcome to another edition to Today in music, where we discuss today’s date in music  history. As usual Happy Birthday if today is your birthday! You will be sharing it with Keith Reid of Procol Harum who was born in 1946 and Pras Michel of Fugees who was born in  1972. Moving on…   First off, Pink […]